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Impact of ICT In Entertainment Industry


Published By: Lawan Salisu

This presentation is coming from a background of involvement and exposure to the leisure industries of entertainment, media and tourism at a national, regional and international level. The benefit of extensive travel and interaction with local, regional and international operators in the entertainment and media industries is in entertainment. Through research, report writing, participation in meetings and conferences and direct business interaction with producers and marketers of leisure products and services particularly music, a body of information has been accumulated which influences this presentation. The presentation is in a sense a case study or the story of an experiment with ICTs in entertainment (Ezziane 2007).

          According to Fame (2010), entertainment technology is the discipline of using manufactured or created components to enhance or make possible any sort of entertainment experience. Because entertainment categories are so broad, and because entertainment models the world in many ways, the types of implemented technology are derived from a variety of sources. Thus, in theatre, for example, entertainment technology practitioners must be able to design and construct scenery, install electrical systems, build clothing, use motors if there is scenery information [Clarification is required] to provide plumbing (if functioning kitchen fixtures are required, or if "singing in the rain"), etc. In this way, the entertainment technology field intersects with most other types of technology.

Entertainment technology helps us relax and enjoy some free time. The latest technology has been revolutionized daily entertainment. Old ways such as recording on records, tapes, and CDs, have made music across the world. Movies are brought into living rooms through photography, film, and video. With the emerging of computer technology, ways of being entertained have optimized greatly. Many households are now having computers, consoles or any other kinds of hand-holding computer game. The diversity and complexity of entertainment technology will bring endless joy and convenient to people's spare time. Traditionally, entertainment technology is derived from theatrical stagecraft and stagecraft is an important subset of the discipline. However, the rise of new types and venues for entertainment, as well as rapidly advancing technological development, has increased the range and scope of its practice (Fame, 2010).


Entertainment: is a form of activity that holds the attention and interest of an audience, or gives pleasure and delight. Entertainment evolves and can be adapted to suit any scale, ranging from an individual who chooses a private entertainment from a now enormous array of pre-recorded products; to a banquet adapted for two; to any size or type of party, with appropriate music and dance; to performances intended for thousands; and even for a global audience.

The experience of being entertained has come to be strongly associated with amusement, so that one common understanding of the idea is fun and laughter, although many entertainments have a serious purpose.


The Cinema of Nigeria, often referred to informally as Nollywood, consists of films produced in Nigeria; its history dates back to as early as the late 19th century and into the Colonial era in the early 20th century. The history and development of the Nigerian motion picture industry is sometimes generally classified in four main eras: the Colonial Era, Golden Age, Video Firm Era and the emerging New Nigeria Cinema.

Film as a medium first arrived to Nigeria in the late 19th century, in the form peephole viewing of motion picture devices. These were soon replaced in early 20th century with improved motion picture exhibition devices, with the first set of films screened at the Glover Memorial Hall in Lagos from 12 to 22 August 1903. The earliest feature film made in Nigeria is 1926's Palaver produced Geoffrey Barkas; the film was also the first film ever to feature Nigerian actors in a speaking role. As of 1954, mobile cinema vans played to at least 3.5 million people in Nigeria, and films being produced by the Nigerian Film Unit were screened for free at the 44 available cinemas. The first film entirely copyrighted to the Nigerian Film unit is winn (1957) by Sam Zebba; which is also the first Nigerian film to be short in color.


Entertainment: is important as it brings people together and is a good way for the entire family to bond. It diverts people’s attention from their demanding lives and amuses them in their leisure time. Usually, entertainment is fun, enjoyable and pleasurable. Entertainment can take various forms including music, drama, storytelling, movie, sports, dance and traditional performances (Fame, 2010).


ICT has impacted entertainment and leisure by enhancing the different ways in which we casually spend our time. With the use of these technologies, they ways in which we can entertain ourselves has dramatically increased.
The development of these technologies has meant that many people stay inside, watch TV, play online games etc. Therefore you could say that the amount of leisure activities that people do have decreased, with respect to the wide range of entertainment technologies (King, 2007).

ICT provides a variety of entertainment and leisure activities that can be accessed easily from the comfort of one's home. One can watch movies and listen to music directly from the Internet. ICT also supports playing games over the Internet during leisure time. Entertainment material can be stored using ICT products like compact discs and memory cards for future use. ICT has improved the quality of entertainment and leisure activities by developing better graphics for music and movies.

ICT has improved communication during entertainment and leisure by introducing instant and interactive chatting using social sites. There are modern social media platforms powered by ICT that allow people to interact directly during their leisure time without meeting physically. Social media platforms also allow for exchange of entertainment material in visual and audio form.

ICT aids the wide distribution of music through download websites. This helps in disseminating content to many people at the same time. ICT has improved the ‘organizing of entertainment and leisure activities. There are new programs that allow people to enjoy shared activities from the comfort of their homes.

ICT provides a variety of entertainment and leisure activities that can be accessed easily from the comfort of one's home. One can watch movies and listen to music directly from the Internet. ICT also supports playing games over the Internet during leisure time. Entertainment material can be stored using ICT products like compact discs and memory cards for future use. ICT has improved the quality of entertainment and leisure activities by developing better graphics for music and movies.

ICT has improved communication during entertainment and leisure by introducing instant and interactive chatting using social sites. There are modern social media platforms powered by ICT that allow people to interact directly during their leisure.





Computers started as very simplistic machines for storing and transferring data. Most of these files were text-based reports used in a work environment. As technology advanced, computers became increasingly versatile in what they could do. With the creation of the Internet and faster processors, file sharing and entertainment became a popular use for personal computers everywhere. Computers have endless uses in the entertainment industry by directly marketing products to users (Aghion, 1992).

·         Music

Computers now have almost unlimited access to any song by any artist. Many website services allow users to purchase individual tracks or albums directly to their computer. Most record labels take advantage of these services to make up for lost revenue from illegal downloading. Although, if users do not wish to purchase music, they can still stream music from many websites free but with advertisements. Computers also open a venue for many amateur musicians in the music industry to record their own music without a professional studio. Computers also allow musicians to create artificial instruments to record with, called MIDI instruments.

·         Television and Movies

With the advancement of video card and Internet speeds, movies and streaming television are now at the click of a mouse button. Many website services offer free-to-stream movies with the cost of a monthly subscription fee. Some websites even offer free streaming episodes of certain TV series with Internet commercials. With the use of newer HD televisions and computers, the option of sending your computers video feed to a full-screen television is possible. In some cases, users may not even need to pay for cable service or television because of all the free available video content online.


·         Art

Art is something that is readily available online at any moment. Pictures, paintings, poetry and more are just a click away. Popular browsers offer specific image search options to quickly browse through art with a single keyword. Besides general use, computer photo editing programs and animation programs are also the sources behind most movies and professional photographs.

·         Games

Computer games are a quickly growing market just like all other forms of video games. However, computer games offer a very wide array of possibilities. Computers have access to many peripheral devices such as keyboards, mouse, joysticks, controllers and more. Computer games also are highly customizable because computers can manipulate game files. Examples of this would be creating new levels, characters or graphic files for specific games. In fact, computers are absolutely necessary for programming any sort of new video game.



       I.            It allows you to have many ways of listening to music, on the move or through our living room.

    II.            ICT has improved the quality of entertainment and leisure activities by developing better graphics for music and movies.

 III.            Entertainment material can be stored using ICT products like compact discs and memory cards for future

IV.            ICT also supports playing games over the Internet during leisure time.

   V.            The developments in TV and games on the computer have enabled those who are lonely and bored to occupy themselves. It has provided them with entertainment and so they can do something in their spare time.


VI.            Due to the impact of technology to programmes have been created with the purpose of educating and inspiring. These are suitable for all ages and so it helps young children at schoosl to discover and learn new things. This improves a person’s personal life as they will become more knowledgeable and so will build up interests with others. It will benefit young children as they can understand things better than they do reading textbooks.


VII.            People are able to enjoy themselves within the comfort of their own homes as they don't need to go out to cinemas or concerts. Movies and music videos are provided for them so they can just view them on a screen. This can be done at anytime and anywhere as long as they have an Internet connection. Advances in technology have enabled people to watch more on TV and it is virtually impossible to miss one of their favourite episodes as repeats are shown many times and can be recorded. It has improved the games no industry as friends can stay connected via consoles. (Dewan, 2005).




1.     Implementation Expenses: Every business must consider startup costs when implementing any type of information technology system. In addition to the cost of hardware and software, some technology vendors require businesses to purchase user licenses for each employee that will be operating the system. Businesses must examine the cost of training employees in unfamiliar technology. Although basic information technology systems may be user friendly, advanced programs still require formal instruction by an expert consultant. In addition to the startup expenses, information technology systems are expensive to maintain. Systems malfunction, and when they do, businesses must engage skilled technicians to troubleshoot and make the necessary repairs. These expenses present a major disadvantage of information technology in business, particularly to businesses that are entering the technology era for the first time.

2.     Job Elimination: Implementing information technology into business operations can save a great deal of time during the completion of daily tasks. Paperwork is processed immediately, and financial transactions are automatically calculated. Although businesses may view this expediency as a boon, there are untoward effects to such levels of automation. As technology improves, tasks that were formerly performed by human employees are now carried out by computer systems. For example, automated telephone answering systems have replaced live receptionists in many organizations. This leads to the elimination of jobs and, in some cases, alienation of clients. Unemployed specialists and once-loyal employees may have difficulty securing future employment.

3.     Security Breaches: The ability to store information in an electronic database facilitates quicker, more efficient communication. In the past, an individual would sift through stacks of paper records to retrieve data. With properly implemented technology, information can be recovered at the touch of a button. Although information technology systems allow business to be conducted at a faster pace, they are not without their flaws. Information technology systems are vulnerable to security breaches, particularly when they are accessible via the Internet. If appropriate measures are not in place, unauthorized individuals may access confidential data. Information may be altered, permanently destroyed or used for unsavory purposes (Krystyna, 2007).



      Prompting the entities operating in the landscape to adopt mixed formulas.

      Characterizing the efforts on their part to preserve their assets from the unfolding threats and at the same time to innovate.

      The communication landscape is undergoing radical changes as a result of the ICT revolution, the entertainment industry as well is affected by the digitalization of content in various ways: content, conduits, and business models (Winn, 1999).




In the information era, computer will be integrated into every society and will do much to improve the quality of life information technology opened new doors for entertainment industry No doubt this is the age of information technology, media industry has also made tremendous progress due to this new technology. Due to this new advancement media is fragmented, media manipulated and information is overloaded. Through this new technology entertainment industry are now growing fast. Realizing the importance of information and communication technology. The introduction of IT in the country has led to varying degree of improvement in the entertainment industry. Here is no doubt that IT was a tremendous Role in entertainment industry but there is a big gap among both organizations. Due to this advance technology advertising, production media printing, broadcasting, telecasting and in web edition of newspapers had a great progress. We can conclude that IT has a great role in print, broadcast, electronic and advertising media. Without IT entertainment industries in this age of information cannot survived.



Aghion, P., and Howitt, P. (1992). “A Model of Growth through Creative Destruction”, Econometrica 60, 323-351.

Dewan, S., & Riggins,  F. (2005). The Digital Divide: Current and Future Research Directions, Journal of Association for Information Systems, Vol. 6, No.12, pp. 298-337.

D’Orville, H. (2000). “Towards the Global Knowledge and Information society – the Challenges for Development Cooperation”, Available at: http: // ncsi-net.ncsi.iis cermet. In/cyberspace /societal-issues /131/info21.htm. (Accessed on: November 19, 2012)

Ezziane, Z. (2007). Information Technology Literacy: Implications on Teaching and Learning. Educational Technology & Society, 10 (3), 175-191.

Fame, B. (2010). “Forecasting the Future of Multimedia to the Year 2010 and beyondavailableat Black, A. (2004): Rural Communities and Sustainability, In "Sustainability and Change in Rural Australia", C. Cocklin & J. Dibden (Eds.), Sydney, University of New South Wales Press.

King, S. (2007). Citizens as Customers: Exploring the Future of CRM in UK local Government, Government Information Quarterly, Vol. 24, pp. 47-63.

Krystyna, G. (2007). "From Computer Ethics to the Ethics of global ICT society", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 25 Iss: 1 pp. 4 – 57.

Winn, W., & Jackson, R. (1999). Fourteen Propositions about Educational uses of virtual reality. Educational Technology, 39, 5 – 14. 




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