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My name are Khalifa Garba Gamoji also known as (KGG) I am from Yobe state Indigene of Nguru local government. I did my primary school at Girgiri pilot primary school from 2006 /2011. 

Furthermore I have conducted my secondary school at Reality Model School Nguru Yobe state from 2012 to 2017 and have attended my National Diploma at the Federal Polytechnic Damaturu, Yobe State from 2019 to 2021 recently I continued my Higher National Diploma (HND) at same institution the Federal Polytechnic Damaturu, currently now am final year student and also the President of the Student Union Government (S U G) of FEDPODAM Yobe State in 2023.

 Publisher: Lawan CS | 07083474947 | 07067066709



  1. KGG as a president of this Polytechnic what is your plan in tackling the issue of lack of portable electricity in students hostels?

    1. Your message will be communicated to him in sha Allah,


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